/ Subacco


Fun, attention to detail and personalized service. All the excitement of the Lake, to be experienced your way.

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Subacco was born from a love story, the one between Roberto and Lake Como.

It was a true love at first sight between a man of the sea accustomed to the waves, the immense blue, the wind and the saltiness and an intimate place, set between high and green mountains where the water becomes a magic mirror capable of concealing stories, secrets, landscape and architectural gems that leave one speechless.

Subacco | Lake Como boat tour
Subacco | Lake Como boat tour

Roberto lived the lake intensely, explored its depths and sailed every mile of it, and realized that his life would be dedicated to sharing the wonder, telling the story, and letting everyone know about “the most beautiful lake in the world.”

Thus was born Subacco, the reference point for those who want to experience Lake Como intensely, discovering it from the privileged perspective of his boats.



Forget about boring and standardized boat tours where you feel like just a number.

Subacco’s mission is to build unique memories with you, accompanying you on a journey that will allow you to know every legend, see the most beautiful places, dive into the blue lake and spend pleasant hours, pampered by Italian hospitality.

You can choose from our private tours with professional skippers who will meet your every need, share the tour and turn the day into an opportunity to make new friends, or rent a boat and set sail solitary.




For Subacco, ensuring an excellent experience is not just a goal but the way we want to be known and remembered.

That is why our boats are all selected from the best on the market, latest generation and equipped with every comfort and our captains are carefully chosen for their empathy, preparation and values.

This is how we have become the leaders for Lake Como boat tours and have become part of the memories of many people who have discovered the lake with us.

I am Roberto,
but everyone now calls me “Subacco”, the name of my company, identifying me completely with it and with the reality that I created and strongly wanted and that was born from the fusion of all my greatest passions: the world of boating and diving.

Living in Como, I have in fact had the great privilege of getting to know Lake Como, one of the most beautiful in Europe, unique and famous un all over the world, in all its facets, plowing its waters with my boats, but also savoring its mysteries by diving into its depths.
Over time I have elevated my passions to something more, so much so that I have obtained professional titles, beyond my boating license, to that of Pilot Motorist, which gives me the ability to drive complex boats (up to several tons of cargo) and become a Diving Master, one of the most important titles in the diving world.

Of course, I also demanded an equal level of professionalism for my staff, and in fact all the members of the Subacco group have earned several qualifying titles in both the nautical and a tourist sectors.
This has always combined with my sunny and sociable nature and the incredible energy I derive from meeting new people from all over the world, each with their own story and experiences to tell. From all this, the idea of “Subacco Lake Como Tours & Rent” was born, an opportunity to introduce and appreciate the wonders of Lake Como, to which I am intimately attached, in a highly professional and qualified environment, but also with the desire to be together and be able to share a unique experience.

With the boats of the “Subacco” fleet, it is possible to enjoy the wonders of Lake Como, either accompanied by a staff member, an experienced captain and a lover of the most curious anecdotes to be told, or on your own after a proper briefing with experienced staff who will be at your complete disposal to explain the basics and regulations that will allow you to have fun discovering the wonderful sights that only Lake Como can give, in total safety.

I am Filippo,
hello everyone, for several years now I have had the pleasure of spending my days in my favorite element, water and especially on Lake Como which I know but every time it surprises me for how it seems to change…
Actually the lake and the surrounding nature and unchanged since ever what changes and renews is my curiosity about the different points of the lake that transform with the different situations of light, temperate, and weather in general so as to seem to the most curious and attentive its wonders.
Full of luxurious historic and modern villas surely it will be able to give you that moment to be free to think and fantasize.
You are welcome to enjoy your holiday on Lake Como.

I am Luca,
originally from Sardinia, Italy. There he began his career as a skipper and soon became accustomed to sailing through beautiful seascapes. Since joining the SuBacco team, his perception of beauty has been further refined with the exploration of the fascinating and hidden treasures of Lake Como, and this happened especially when he met Villa La Casinella, a place of extraordinary elegance and quiet. He speaks fluent English and is a great entertainer.

I am Leonardo,
born in Foggia class of 2002 and law student.
Since I was a child I had a great passion for the sea and boats, on which I grew up…this passion has then turned into my job as captain, first all over the Mediterranean and now on Lake Como; a choice dictated by my love for this fairy-tale place that enchants for its elegance and embodies the Dolcevita…it is no coincidence that my favorite villa is Villa d’Este, also home of the homonymous classic car elegance competition.
I am waiting for you to discover together this wonderful lake.

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Follow Subacco’s good vibes

We like to have happy guests! Here are the reviews of Subacco boat tours.

Based on 484 reviews
Jackson Rogers
Jackson Rogers
Perfect time out on the water! Easy pick up process and the host gets you up and running in no time! Worth it 100%!
Erin Marsh
Erin Marsh
Sophie Hill
Sophie Hill
Amazing trip with Leonardo! Super friendly and the best experience
Carmen Braceras
Carmen Braceras
Amazing tour with Leonardo! This was the best way to explore the lake, see many different villas, and have a refreshing swim (with a nice glass of wine at the end as well). Leonardo provided great information about the history and answered all of our questions about the region. We highly recommend this experience to others!
Tyler Haskell
Tyler Haskell
Leonardo was great! He was so well informed about everything on the lake and was very nice.
Paige Byrd
Paige Byrd
Leonardo did a great job showing us around and so friendly, highly recommend!!
Stian Halvorsen
Stian Halvorsen
Leonardo gave us an excellent boatride and was an excellent guide for our trip on Lake Como. Thank you Leonardo👍
Erland Sunde
Erland Sunde
Leonardo has been the perfect host! Thank you👍👍👍👍
Based on 150 reviews
Fantastico! Abbiamo avuto un tempo fantastico. Luca è stato molto disponibile e ottimo a spiegare tutto. Le viste erano fenomenali e lo consigliamo vivamente.
Kevin C
Kevin C
Grande tour del Lago di Como! Ci siamo trovati benissimo su un bellissimo motoscafo con Filippo che ammirava le viste sul Lago di Como, era molto divertente, con un grande senso dell'umorismo. Come siamo stati solo su Como per 1 notte questo è stato un grande tour di degustazione del lago (che è enorme), molto più efficiente di prendere i traghetti pubblici se si è a corto di tempo.
Nicole R
Nicole R
Gran Capitano e guida turistica Panorami incredibili, fermate e informazioni. Grazie mille e in privato. Mi è piaciuta la pazienza e la conoscenza!
Highly recommend We had a blast on our boat tour with Lucca. He gave a thorough tour of all the main villas within our reach along Lake Como, stopped and offered to take pictures, served wine, and was an all around wonderful guide for our lovely afternoon on the lake. The boat tour was the highlight of our stay in Como!
Caro lopez
Caro lopez
Filippo 10/10 Andrò in barca solo se Filippo sarà alla guida della barca! È stato fantastico e così gentile da rendere il nostro viaggio sul lago di Como indimenticabile
Ryan A
Ryan A
Gita eccellente. Recensione eccellente Molto informativo. Filippo è stato fantastico. Ospitale e amichevole. Mi è piaciuto molto visitare la barca sul lago.
marco d
marco d
Se cercate il meglio, Subacco senza dubbio! Inizio dalla fine: il personale di Subacco è serio, professionale e competente. Riassumo: avevamo comprato due biglietti per un tour in barca con Subacco, arriviamo puntuali nel luogo di ritrovo e veniamo invitati a salire in barca da un capitano. Questa barca è molto diversa da quella raffigurata nella nostra prenotazione, per cui chiediamo più volte al capitano se siamo sulla barca giusta. Ci dice di stare tranquilli e, finito di imbarcare, parte per il tour ma restiamo molto perplessi. Il tour dura un'ora, mentre noi avevamo pagato per tour di 3 ore. Torniamo al punto di partenza e incontriamo Roberto, titolare di Subacco, a cui raccontiamo tutto. Roberto si attiva immediatamente e ci fa recuperare il tour su una delle sue barche, guidata da un capitano impeccabile che ci spiega diversi aneddoti delle ville più belle che si affacciano sul lago di Como. Il tour è godibilissimo, ci fermiamo anche per un bagno in una zona tranquilla del lago, con il capitano che stappa una bottiglia di vino! TOP! Grazie ancora a Roberto! Da Marco e Anne-Marie
Matthew H
Matthew H
Tour di Como di 2 ore Filippo è stato bravissimo! ! ! Avevamo letto numerose recensioni e lo abbiamo richiesto. È stato fantastico e ci siamo divertiti moltissimo con lui! Era puntuale a prenderci e molto ben informato sui diversi punti salienti del lago. Ha una personalità così grande ed è stato molto flessibile! Lo consigliamo vivamente!
Markus Baer
Markus Baer
Meravigliosa esplorazione del Lago di Como Filippo ci ha regalato un fantastico tour del Lago di Como. Abbiamo fatto un tour di 3 ore. È ben informato e molto divertente con un tipo di umorismo secco. Ritornerei sicuramente.
Servizio e tour fantastici! Barca, area e servizio fantastici! Abbiamo avuto un problema con un'altra compagnia turistica che ci ha accettato sulla loro barca senza controllare attentamente i nostri biglietti: hanno scansionato i nostri codici QR ma non ha funzionato e non ce lo hanno detto! ! ! Quindi abbiamo perso il nostro vero giro in barca. Quando ci siamo resi conto e siamo usciti da questo tour sbagliato, Roberto, di Subacco Lago di Como, ha fatto tutto il possibile per aiutarci e trovare una soluzione. Alla fine ci ha trovato un tour più tardi quel giorno ed è stato fantastico. Lago fantastico, guida straordinaria! Grazie Roberto!